supersonic Snail Slime 

Certified cruelty free by IZP Italia and patented in 33 countries around the world. First equipment in the world with bloodless ozone extraction technology. Ozosnail is a revolutionary machine that allows a natural extraction process of snail secretion.

Our work in numbers

Dai un’occhiata alle nostre attività e ai grafici di sviluppo per capire quanto forte stiamo incidendo sul segmento di business Snail e quanto è sostenibile il nostro sito/metodo di produzione!
Take a look at our activities and development charts to understand how strong we are impacting the Snail business segment and how sustainable is our production site/method !


The secret of success is to preserve the Biological Environment.

We trust Mother Nature, we think all will be in place when needed 


Goldenratio vision is to become a main player in the heliciculture segment. Our group of companies specialized in Marketing, Sales, Production and Agricultural Cooperative can succeed in becoming one of the major producers and processors of the Snail product.


The Mission is to provide a high profile semi-finished finished product following a high-tech process, aiming at the creation of a finished product such as snail slime which is now highly appreciated by the pharmaceutical and cosmetic sectors.

Production process and management. This is one of the things we do best

Monitorare e seguire i processi produttivi al meglio delle possibilità umane e tecnologiche oggi presenti nel mercato. Monitor and follow production processes to the best of the human and technological possibilities present in the market today

Cleaning process 

Il processo di pulizia è molto importante e noi usiamo Ozon therapy per distruggere qualunque traccia di batteri. The cleaning process is very important and we use Ozon therapy to destroy any traces of bacteria

egg growing 

Scoprendo le nostre Chiocciole che depositano le uova da cui selezioniamo le nuove riproduttrici ! Discovering our snails that lay eggs from which we select new breeders!

blu dev tech

Bludev ci garantisce il monitoraggio dei nostri animali 24h e ne rintraccia le anomalie. Ci consente di tracciare il prodotto in modo digitale in blockchain. Bludev guarantees us the monitoring of our animals 24 hours a day and traces their anomalies. It allows us to track the product digitally in blockchain.

Ragusa Sicily production unit and laboratory Slime extraction and Aloe vera gel 

Our Natural land & Food Transformation facility, everything in one location easy to manage and control !
Il nostro centro di trasformazione e produzione, tutto in una sola località, per essere facile da gestire e controllare!

past civilisation information will save us all!!!