Certified cruelty free by IZP Italia and patented in 33 countries around the world. First equipment in the world with bloodless ozone extraction technology. Ozosnail is a revolutionary machine that allows a natural extraction process of snail secretion.


The sanitization process takes place through delicate sprinkling of osmotic water mixed with ozone, in a completely natural and safe way for molluscs and without invasive treatments, like traditional ones. During this period, we carefully monitor the growing conditions and well-being of the snails to ensure they are ready for the extraction process.


An integral and essential part of the OzoSnail extraction process is ozone, a natural gas that allows the animal to be treated and sanitized to prepare it for natural drooling. The innovative method studied therefore uses ozone at a gradation controlled in times and concentrations to extract the secretion while maintaining the total well-being of the molluscs.

Our Slime quality 100% pure 

  1. Excellent skin tolerance
  2. Stable 12 months at room temperature
  3. Simple to use formula
  4. Suitable for green and organic formulations First quality guaranteed
  5. Certified ITALIAN origin
  6. Certified CRUELTY FREE production
  7. Product traceability World Wide (BluDev tech) analyzes Control by Batch and
  8. Farm (original location) raw material Quality certified by analysis of the dry
  9. residue content (on average between 2.7 and 3.5%)

ASL regulation

A closed-cycle extraction that exploits elements of natural origin such as ozone and biological phytoextracts using cutting-edge technologies and sophisticated extraction methods, capable of extracting the snail slime while keeping its beneficial properties intact (in full compliance with regulations established by the local ASL).


The main objective is to provide a reliable source of high quality snail slime for the pharmaceutical and cosmetic segments, through an innovative and highly technological process ensuring high purity and effectiveness of the final product. Snail slime is subjected to rigorous quality controls to ensure maximum purity and potency.


The Mission is to provide a high profile semi-finished finished product following a high-tech process, aiming at the creation of a finished product such as snail slime which is now highly appreciated by the pharmaceutical and cosmetic sectors.

Technical data sheet 

All our Slime information in one data sheet easy to read and share!

Our data sheet sample

Certified cruelty free by IZP Italia and patented in 33 countries around the world. First equipment in the world with bloodless ozone extraction technology. Ozosnail is a revolutionary machine that allows a natural extraction process of snail secretion.